Is it okay to satisfy ?

4 min readJun 26, 2022

Congratulations!! Hurray !! You did a great job.

After a lot a struggle , practice , efforts , You achieve something which you have always wanted. Great!


As you arrive on the earth , as soon as you are born , the goal has been set for you. You have to walk properly , you should not delay in speaking, you should know words and be better from other toddlers even in learning to ask for a pee.

You have to grow nicely , be good at school , have good manners , be good at studies , sports , extra curricular activities. Then when you grow up , you need to chose path for your careers , going in the great college becomes your goal. As soon you graduate , your goal is to get a good job , acquire skills, and again be good at what you are doing.

As you grow up , at every moment of your life , you have the aim to achieve , and even you don’t know it has become a habit of yours to work for your goal. It is inserted in our system so deep , that even we don’t know about this. Without this there is no other identity.

You learn how to reach up at the ladder , how to come first in the race , get advice about the steps to achieve something , but do you get any advice what to do after that? We are always taught to be better , but we are never taught how to celebrate our achievement.

After achieving your milestones , what if you don’t have any other next task to do ? After celebrating for few days , what if you are not happy anymore ? What if you don’t want to have a next milestone in your life?

In our entire life , we are looking for something more and more , but if we are at the end, then what? As achieving one or the other thing becomes our routine , it is very difficult to do nothing after that. We have been so busy our entire life, we have forgotten to live for ourself, to be still. We are never satisfied with what we have , It is a great thing , and it is only what keeps you going but …

IS IT OKAY TO SATISFY? Is it okay to not want more?

After you achieve something , is it okay to take a break? Is it okay if you dont want to explore more right now and be with yourself not running in any race.

We are in a constant loop of achieving something , we dont know how to live without it. We feel constant urge to do something and if we are not doing anything , we feel we are missing something , we are gonna be at the back or we are wasting your life.

My answer is yes! But not for the whole lifetime.

It is okay to not have any aim to achieve something for sometime. It is okay to take a break and celebrate with yourself. Even our body needs sleep to have energy for next day, then why are we not giving break to ourself. It should be okay to have nothing on your plate and be happy for a while what you already have achieved so when you set a new goal next time , you are ready to hustle. This should be made common to celebrate with your self, your loved ones, give some compliments to yourself , and be at peace.

What can be done after your milestone?

  1. You can do whatever your have always wanted to do , but never got a chance be this is travelling , dating , swimming , or event sleeping as much as you want.
  2. You can make new friends or catch up with old friends with whom you have lost the contact over the years.
  3. Attend some shows , spend money on yourself and buy things which make you happy.
  4. Try new things , try adventuring or try gaming.
  5. Try spending time with yourself alone , go on solo trips. Learn to be happy with your own company.

Regardless of how much time you take to achieve your goals , you would one day , and then you would be wondering what next. Don’t jump to the next goal immediately. take a break , find something which relaxes you , which gives you peace. But yeah this is not gonna last forever as time goes new goals will come and you will be ready for that.

You will be exactly as happy as you decide to be

